

Animal Biologics Pilot Production Center



1. 圓滿豬環狀病毒感染症基因改造次單位疫苗委託試驗計畫

2. 以30公升生物反應器量產豬鏈球菌重組蛋白抗原之製程與疫苗效力之研究
Establishment the culture system in stirred bioreactors to produce vaccine antigens of
Streptococcus suis recombinant protein ( NSC99-2324-B-020-001-MY2)

3. 豬鼻黴漿菌與豬鏈球菌雙價疫苗
Development of Swine Mycoplasma and Streptococcus divalent vaccine

4.豬鏈球菌不活化疫苗之研發(Ⅰ-Ⅱ) (NSC-96-2622-B-020-004-CC3)
Development of Swine Streptococcus suis inactivated vaccine (NSC95-2622-B020-008-CC3)

Development and evaluation of a ELISA kit for Streptococcus suis

Development of recombinant Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae protein inactivated vaccine

7. 豬放線桿菌重組毒素次單位疫苗之研發
Development of recombinant Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae toxin subunit vaccine

Evaluation of efficacy of Hog cholera and Pseudorabies vaccine

研究主軸 - 牛組

1. 複製子和傳染副本在動物病原體之研究
Replicons and Infectious Copies In the Study of Animal Pathogens.
(MOST 107- 2911-I-020-501 , 106-2911-I-020-501)

2. 牛呼吸道疾病:運用solid matrix-antibody-antigen (SMAA) 技術開發多價疫苗及免疫反應之探討
Bovine respiratory virus diseases: immunization with multivalent vaccines using solid
matrix- antibody-antigen (SMAA) complex technology. MOST 107-2313-B-020 -011 -MY3

3. 牛病毒性下痢(BVDV)、牛呼吸道融合病毒(BRSV)與豬瘟(HC)病毒之培養與純化

4. 利用桿狀病毒表現牛病毒性下痢病毒之表面E2蛋白
Development of bovine viral diarrhea virus envelope glycoprotein E2 subunit vaccine.

5. 利用桿狀病毒表現牛流行熱病毒之表面G蛋白
Development of bovine ephemeral fever surface G protein subunit vaccine.

6. 牛呼吸道融合病毒台灣流行病學調查
The epidemiological investigation of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in Taiwan.

7. 牛疱疹病毒I型及流行熱病毒混合疫苗之開發
Development of herpesvirus type I and bovine ephemeral fever virus vaccines in ruminants.


1. 開發新穎口服奈米DNA疫苗應用於動物保健產業
Development of novel oral DNA nanovaccines for animal health industry
(MOST 109-2321-B-006 -015 。MOST 108-2321-B-006-007。MOST 107-2321-B- 006-016。)

2. 探討水禽雷氏桿菌DNA疫苗搭配次單位疫苗以不同免疫方式所誘發之免疫調節作用
Immunoregulation effect of different immunization regimens using combined
Riemerellaanatipestifer DNA and subunit vaccines.
(MOST 105-2313-B-020-011。MOST 106-2313-B-020-013。 )

3. 不同佐劑對水禽小病毒各類型抗原免疫調節作用之探討
The immune regulation effects of different adjuvants with waterfowl Parvovirus antigens.

4. 新城病細胞生產及原核表現HN及IL-18蛋白質疫苗計畫
Production of Newcastle disease virus and expression of HN and IL-18 proteins in eukaryotic system.