

Animal Biologics Pilot Production Center


本校擁有台灣唯一之「動物疫苗科技研究所」,結合獸醫學系生技系熱帶農業暨國際合作系食品系等相關教師成立動物疫苗研發團隊,已有多年執行大型整合型研發及人才培育計畫之相關經驗。有鑑於研發成果的試量產乃是推動研發成果商品化及產業化的必經過程,也是目前研發上最主要的瓶頸;為了讓產品符合安全、有效、均一的要求,取得國內外製造許可證,進入國際市場。本校於2016年開始興建「符合cGMP規範的動物製劑試量產測試工廠」,及符合GLP規範之動物製劑品管檢測實驗室」,上述設施配合本校目前已有之AAALAC認證之實驗動物中心設施。最後將結合本校優秀的動物疫苗研發團隊,組成一個完整的「動物製劑試量產測試中心」,達到「創新疫苗技術工業化量產模擬cGMP 級工廠實務訓練」及「創造產業結合」之宗旨,並協助本校及國內動物製劑研發成果,進行符合國際規範之試量產及動物試驗,達到研發成果商品化產業化及國際化的最後一哩路程。

National Pingtung University of Science and Technology has won the support of the Ministry of Education to develop the Animal Biologics Pilot Production Center. Construction of the Center began in April 2016 in accordance with cGMP standards, and the Center opened on December 28.

The total floor area of ​​the center is more than 800 square meters, We have 17 operation rooms including bacterial fermentation, antigen purification, vaccine deployment, emulsification, filling and labelling. The center is also equipped with:

- biological reaction tank

- automatic antigen purification system

- cell potential analyzer

- virus process quantitative analyzer

- protein quantitative instrumentation

- virus storage and management system

- wheel incubator

- freeze dryer and other production equipment,

The university has for many years conducted large-scale integrated R & D and personnel training programs, with very successful results. In view of the R & D results we have been looking to translate our research successes into commercial activity. To achieve commercial success, our products need to be uniformly safe and effective. We can then obtain domestic and foreign manufacturing licenses and enter the international market.

After the completion of the Animal Biologics Pilot Production Center, we will provide world-class hardware and equipment, cultivate professional and market-oriented technical personnel, and assist in the development of domestic and international animal vaccines. The Centre will help us achieve our goal of using our research to sell our animal vaccines in large quantities worldwide.

All equipment is fully in line with industry process standards. We train our post graduate students in professional research, vaccine development, and the actual production of animal vaccine to ensure a strong connection with the vaccine industry.